CAD drawings
Choose from over 1 million Swagelok CAD drawings and sales drawings in a variety of file formats.
- CAD drawings are available in various 2D or 3D file formats.
- Sales drawings are available in .pdf format.
- Search by product names or part numbers.
CV calculator
This calculator can be used to select a valve with sufficient flow capacity for a given application. The valve flow coefficient (Cv) is a convenient way to display the flow capacity of a valve over a range of fluids and process parameters.
Regulator flow curve generator
This tool gives you a unique flow curve based on a set of user-specified application parameters for Swagelok process regulators and RHPS series controllers.
Swagelok eDTR catalog
This eDTR (Electronic Desktop Technical Reference) software can help you quickly and easily find Swagelok solutions for your applications. Within minutes of installation, you can access hundreds of Swagelok catalogs, certifications, technical specifications and resources.
Swagelok Tools
Swagelok offers various tools for sale and for rental. Discover all the possibilities.
Swagelok TechTalks
Check out our Techtalks, in half an hour we update you on current topics. These techtalks are in the Dutch language.